Relationship Blog

Do You Really Respect Each Other In Your Relationship?

Respect in relationship

Are you concerned that your partner doesn’t respect you?

We all need respect especially from the ones closest to us. In relationships, having respect for your partner may even be crucial than love. When mutual respect is lost, it could mean the end of a relationship. My viewpoint of respect in a relationship is when can you sit and zip it when your partner is expressing themselves to you and they do the same when you are expressing… It also reflects how much both partners treat each other on a daily basis.

There will always be some form of disagreement in every relationship. Having respect for your partner means that you are able to value each other’s opinion and feelings. Also, respect means knowing your own worth and the worth of others. When we respect ourselves, we are better able to deal with the insecurity and fear that we may feel sometimes. Respecting our partners will allow us to cultivate and build a strong and lasting relationship.

In a healthy relationship, respect looks like:

  • When you can talk honestly and openly to your partner.
  • Truly listening to each other.
  • Valuing each other’s opinions, beliefs, and feelings.
  • Supporting each other’s hobbies, interests and dreams.
  • Honoring each other’s boundaries.
  • Speaking kindly to and about each other.

While it is important to respect your partner in a relationship, it is also important to have respect for yourself. It is the main ingredient to having the confidence in maintaining healthy relationships with others for the rest of your life… Self-respect is knowing that you have worth and value just for being you.

A relationship can last as long as there is a healthy dose of R-E-S-P-E-C-T blended in. Though you and your partner can’t always agree on everything, you should work on treating each other with kindness and decency. Here are some ways to actually make your relationship grow and thrive and enhance the level of respect you and your partner have for each other:

  • Pay extra attention to your partner’s needs, desires, and concerns.
  • Acknowledge, appreciate, and show some gratitude not only for what your partner does but for who your partner is.
  • There are intimate details that only you are privileged to know; never violate confidentiality.
  • Carefully argue with your partner to work out your differences in times of conflict.
  • Replace sarcasm with a gentle language.
  • Be honest to your partner and speak directly to them rather ranting your complaints to others.
  • Avoid all forms of indignity, like rolling of eyeballs.
  • Try to cast aside impatient and peevish tones from your communication.
  • Be compassionate and reassuring.
  • Support your partner’s choices and decisions whenever you can.
  • Acknowledge your mistakes and never forget to apologize.
respecting each other in relationships

Mutual respect is one of the pillars to having a great long lasting successful relationship. To create respect, give each other positive feedback and treat your partner as to how you want to be treated. If a relationship must stand the test of time, the preservation of respect is very important. But sure does require a lot of effort from both parties… Always remember, “Respect is one of the greatest expressions of love.”

There is a great book that helps in this area, it is called ‘Don’t Be Nice, Be Real’ by Kelly Bryson. Developing self-respect and respect of others in this context means that we learn to be our authentic self, we stand in our own authentic power and are able to be compassionate, understanding and certain.

When we get caught up in blame, excuses, defending ourself, we are not being our true self.

So if you’ve got any questions regarding this blog or any aspect of your relaionship, why not take advantage of the complimentary 30-minute session I offer. Contact Me to see how I can help you have more healthier and happier relationships.  Until next time.

Marriage Counsellor and Relationship Counsellor - Keith Flynn

Keith Flynn BSc, Dip. Hyp.


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